cloven hooves

[ˈkləuvən hu:vz]
  • 释义
  • 偶蹄,撒旦或邪恶的象征( cloven hoof的名词复数 );

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The cloven hooves are sharp edged , elastic and concave.

    蹄锋利,呈凹形, 富有弹性.

  • 2、

    Foot and - mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves, such as cattle, pigs, deer and sheep.

    口蹄 疫 主要感染像牛 、 猪 、 鹿、羊这样的分蹄动物.

  • 3、

    Foot - and - mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves, such as cattle, pigs, deer, goats and sheep.

    口蹄 疫 会影响脚趾粘结的动物, 像畜类, 猪, 鹿, 山羊和绵羊.

  • 4、

    Foot and - mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves such as cattle, pigs, deer, goat and sheep.

    口蹄 疫 会感染偶蹄类动物,如牛, 猪, 鹿, 山羊和绵羊.

  • 5、

    Blame my cloven hooves , If I sink what does it prove, I'll always be your prey.

    责罚我的罪恶, 如果我深陷其中, 愿永远做你的猎物.

  • 6、

    Foot - and - mouth disease affects animals cloven hooves, such as cattle, pigs, deer, goats and sheep.

    口蹄疫影响分趾类动物, 例如牛 、 猪 、 麋鹿 、 山羊和绵羊.
